Man Camp

Pro Traveller Toni, Stoffel and Jagge went into the backcountry last weekend to close a circle that started this past March.

 TravelToni gearing up for the wild.

Stoffel and TT fully equipped.

Jagge and the path to our camp spot.
 The spot.

 Stoffel sending a proper reverse somersault next to our spot.

 This is how we spent the evening.

TT in the morning. These boots have seen more places than most of us ever will.

 Stoffel and TT scoping new lines and reviewing the ones we tracked last season.

 TT got knocked out becuse of prohibited cellphone use.

Same summit, different time: Alex and Jagge back in March 2013 (left), Jagge and TT in July 2013 (right) at "Seelenkopf".


Ralphe and Jein Clothing created this bag.

TT Stickers

TravelToni is back in Germany but still on the road living and working here and there. Try to contact him to get some of these brandnew stickers.

TT is leaving marks now.

Atagge Ketch up with FAS

You probably haven´t heard much about this little crew calling themselves FAS and pretending to shit on sponsoring. They actually won´t get any deals anyway.
We set up a quick Ketch up to look into their minds.

FAS crew on their way to the top.

FAS: FAS is a symbol for something beyond religion, goddesses, worships and stuff like that. It’s like a hyperhypernatural thing we have in progress.
Resort raping? Send it, rape it, sleep, repeat.
Snack vs restaurant: Vesper
Teamsport vs gangsport: “Snowboarding isn´t a teamsport, it´s a gangsport!”
Gangmovies? Somewhen, maybe... But first, we need a real cam. (haha) Yet, we already teamed up with the boys from //District to get something for the internet crowd done.

 Ex-freeskier and -gymnast Kai finally on the dark side - Bs Nosepress.

Skateboard Pro vs Snowboard Pro: What about this “pros” everybody keeps bragging about?
Swabian vs Bavarian: Is there a battle going on?
Allgäu vs the rest of the alps: We just need snow to rape.

Moe - BRegs, glacier snout Kaunertal.

Snitches vs bitches: Girls, girls, girls. They just want our bodies.
Butterfly knife vs switchblade knife: A question slightly too philosophic.
Future: We are very focused on an application for the next olympic games. Go gold or go home.