Here we go. Megapost number 1 from the Atagge Demo, aka Head Jib Factory.
Carmen on the beach
Benni and Alex
the intern
the lonely island
DJ Smart spinning the tunes
Felix. Not so cheeseburger anymore!
Gido and the truckerboy
thanks Bernd for that sweet weekend
yeah James, i know, it's not a Spitzburger
Love is in the air. Swöbi and Seppi
Swiss Connection. Julien and Elmi
Rittig and the rookies: Marco and Boozy
Fuck You, I'm Cobrats
A big beer!
That's Butsch's business as usual...
tired Carmen
no comment
2nd day got cancelled due to bad weather. We went up there anyway...
second day crew and a few white legs.
Alex aka. "i wanna be on every photo"
a new tatoo?