Goodbye GG!

After two weeks of sunshine and temperatures of 25 degrees celsius, the resorts were running low on snow. Here we go with a few pictures from the last few days up at GG, before they closed for the season. And HELL NO, Jagge hasn't been to America for just 2 days. It was all fake! Kinda late April fools'!

Flo and a tired smile after a whole day in the wet slush

Well, not that much snow left to play with...

High Life Boozy and Flo

Butsch and a few hours before he went on tour with the polish Stench guys

Lachris, local!

THANKS for that awesome Park, Berni!

Fireworks in April?

Gido and Alex. It was Alex's first day back on snow after his injury...

Toni, who also thought Jagge was in the states.


more friends. Everybody came out for the last days!

Jakob Preischl, not filming.

Dani Rajcsanyi also showed up, right after his first day in school.

Twins? Homies? Atagge? Alex and Jagge!
Jens is pretty tall

Summertime in the parkinglot! You just gotta love that time of the year!