Atagge Ketch up with Ralphe the intern

With Atagge having an intern now, we thought it might be a good idea to do a Ketch Up with him. And as we all went to Spain to drown in those surfy waves, we took the chance and asked our boy some questions.

Beach Volleyball vs. Soccer: Beach Volleyball. What's Soccer?
Living the dream: on every Atagge trip
Mt Baker vs Revelstoke: they are both fucking your life

As an intern at Atagge you have a lot of responsibility. What would the driver do if Ralphe didn't clean the windows at every stop?

Internship vs studying: This is obvious. I already quit this study-thing for the internship.
Ollie vs Kickflip: I can't skate, but i'm trying to improve my skills
Spain vs France: I was never in Spain. Just Basque-Country.
BC vs Alberta: Impossible to decide

Always that smile on his face when he's at work.

Où est-ce qu'il y a la Dune de Pilates? Pilates? Never tried it. Heard it's good for your bones.
Talking to girls in french bars: Big thanks to Tank Moody for the help.
Die-cut-stickers: the first ones are out. Finally.
Future: Getting paid, going to Canada again, improving my skate and surf skills. Atagge for Life!