Beach Volleyball vs. Soccer: Beach Volleyball. What's Soccer?
Living the dream: on every Atagge trip
Mt Baker vs Revelstoke: they are both fucking your life
As an intern at Atagge you have a lot of responsibility. What would the driver do if Ralphe didn't clean the windows at every stop?
Internship vs studying: This is obvious. I already quit this study-thing for the internship.
Ollie vs Kickflip: I can't skate, but i'm trying to improve my skills
Spain vs France: I was never in Spain. Just Basque-Country.
BC vs Alberta: Impossible to decide
Always that smile on his face when he's at work.
Où est-ce qu'il y a la Dune de Pilates? Pilates? Never tried it. Heard it's good for your bones.
Talking to girls in french bars: Big thanks to Tank Moody for the help.
Die-cut-stickers: the first ones are out. Finally.
Future: Getting paid, going to Canada again, improving my skate and surf skills. Atagge for Life!