Maxi, Ninnsch and me went to Kaunertal for some spring snowboarding. We ran into Julle, Waule, Flo G. and all the boys. Unfortunately, Butsh was there too.
It´s a pity, that Alex couldn´t make it to the glacier, seems like he quitted snowboarding.

Maxi is taking a pull on that bottle. Check out this board, it includes his paintings on the top sheet.

Butsh did a rock to fakie on my shinbone. Beware of that guy, he´s dangerous!

The weather turned bad on the 2nd day, so we went to the theatre in Innsbruck:
Bunbury-The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscal Wilde.
Me, Maxi, and Ninnsch. Laughs
for days.

Maxi confused after the show.

Sally joined us watching the play. That guy is JZA, he is definitely killing it!