Shaba Pictures loaded up the Full Online Version of their new movie "Still Standing". A bunch of Swiss homies and the Atagge Swiss Connection show up in the edit. Watch out for Urban, Bailey, Valaika and other friends of them as well. You´ll need a toolbox for all the hammers.

Make sure you gonna watch it to the end and don´t miss this guy´s part! OMG!


The boys over at I7 just launched their new homepage.
Click at Franz for the connection.

GG Benny

Benny's first day at the not-so-secret location anymore...

GG Opener Benny from Stephan Ruchte on Vimeo.

TROUBLE in Calgary

One night Trouble Andrew and Gang were in town for a show. Fortunately, I was around the corner and so I joined for sure.

Trevor knows how to make trouble: click here for the moves.

No worries, next year is coming soon.

I met these guys a while ago. The right one was still pretty angry about Eric (Bruweleit, goodquestion) because Eric woke him up one morning in Portland searching for beer to keep his party going. What happened that night?


The boys were up at GG a week ago.


Last weekend I was driving all the way South-West through British Columbia until the U.S.-Boarder stopped me. But instead of passing the Boarder I stayed at a friend´s house in Creston.

This picture is for Carmen, because I know how much she likes BC.

On the road again. Alex can´t make fun about my driving style anymore, because nobody drives faster than 100 km/h on the roads.

Slower traffic keep right!

Again on the water. This time without engine trouble.

We went into the woods for some hunting hiking.

MEET the MEAT at Thanksgiving.


Alex and Felix are on tour together with Arnette right now and had a little stopover in Laax.
 filming some follows. pic: Lolli

This badboy was there too. We had some fun skateboarding going on!

Givin it back to the Euros

The Givin boys spend some time in Munich and Helsinki past winter. Benny has some stuff in here, too.

Still Standing!!!

Banger. Come!

Talking the truth!

Keegan gets interviewed on Skype. Listen to it: It's the truth!

58 Videopremiere

Fifty-Eight is having a nice Videopremiere this Sunday in Ulm including Videograss "Retrospect" and "Vacation" by a snowboard brand. Click HERE for full information.
I´m sure Toni will be there for some tech talk and rumors are that even he made a little edit.
You will see.