Atagge Ketch Up with Fischi

After a pretty decent lack of Ketch Ups, we finally got Fischi jizzed in the face! He's one hell of a photoG, one of the guys that run the Pleasure Magazin (Oh wait, that was the wrong link, here's the right one) and i'd say the nicest guy on this planet. You should also check out his blog,, to follow him windsurfing at the vultures of Europe. And if that's not the case he's probably riding his fishstick somewhere in nippledeep pow...

Spring Session vs Pleasure Jam: spring session, wenns so ist, wie dieses jahr. nochmal mega probs an die laaxer crew! pleasure jam, wenns so ist, wie vor 2 jahren. best powder weekend ever!
COC vs Greece: COC, 'eingerahmt' von 2x Greece. besser kann der sommer nicht anfangen!
Wodka Cranberry vs Augustiner: mann, ich hab ne scheiss bier allergie oder sowas ähnliches.kein scheiss. echt peinlich für einen bayern... versuche mich, grad über weissbier langsam wieder dem gerstensaft zu nähern. von da her (und vor allem durch die zeitliche nähe zum COC):wodka cranberry. juhuuuu.
Deadlinestress vs Submissionauswahl: verhält sich zueinander wie ein fieser, grippaler infekt zu einer angenehmen Lepra-Syphilis-Tripper-Kombination (zitat michi lehmann)
High wind fun vs low wind fun: high wind fun - auf jeden fall. hatte ein paar echt abartig geile tage diesen sommer. low wind fun wird trotz aller kreativität spätestens nach einem halben tag saulangweilig.
5 a.m. Bearsighting: ja, da hab ich schon ein bissl geschluckt. der bär war gott sei dank höchstens drei mal so gross wie ich, von daher kein problem für einen erfahrenen bear-wrestler.
Cooking for a bunch of kitchenretards: damit fängt der tag gut an! nur wenn mir einer den special pancake oder das 20 oz ribeye klaut, werd ich züntig!
Dell Mini 9 vs MacBook Pro: MBP - apple brainwashed... hehehe
Russian breakfast: boah, wenn mir nochmal jemand an nem ostersonntag so einen fraß vorsetzt, dann bau ich den eisernen vorhang wieder auf. ich schwör!
Homeoffice vs Pleasureoffice: productivity vs. best editorial crew ever... die kombination machts.
Fisheye vs Tele: tele... ohne irgendwas kompensieren zu wollen :D

Videograss Euro-Premiere!

Be there or you're pretty much blowing it like Alex, who's in the City of Love. Douchebag!

Ketch Ups are on the way!

It's been a long time. But new Ketch Ups are just about to drop the next few weeks! Check back!

Paint It Red

Ahhh...see, why Bear should be your favorite resort?! Njammnjamm!


Here's a teaser, that let me wet my pants! It includes some friends from the northern lands, as well...and please watch it to the very end!

The new Ducksjen teaser. from kasper Häggstrøm on Vimeo.

Süddeutscher Skatepokal

sorry for bad reporting, but I think the web is full of sdsp stuff.
on saturday the last and 5th stop takes place in Nürnberg, so this is an obligatory event...

...and the last chance to enjoy the lousy and overrated JaggeButshow.

the skate park. dream-like. click for infos.

the 4th stop in ulm

something out of the fridge

Benny spent a few days at this summercamp in his homefridge in Hamburg...

awesome presents

some incredible people took special trouble to their birthday presents.
Do the math!

best present ever.

this is not a present, it´s a masterpiece.


Felix, just because your camera got stolen the last time you've been there, you don't need to beat up every spanish guy you see!


We had a little Triple Birthday Bash in Ulm. The long tradition wanted us to celebrate our birthday with the friends. Because we supposed to get busy that evening, we decided to create three more characters.

David and Jagge are making small talk.

JZA getting the hallway ready for the guests.

The art.

The Three doormen.


Finally Jagge is out of this stupid jail called university. So we decided to go to Munich to film Alex's intro, hang with Felix, go skateboarding, and drink some beers!

Alex and Felix' slave aka the intern aka Kübelböck!

Alex and the Sundown

Jagge trying to be a swedish hippie

Felix' hair at work


Alex thought he lost his phone somewhere on the was under the couch! No excuse to buy this stupid new iphone

Felix kind of busy...


I just found this picture of Alex not using the right landing at the Zugspitze. Thanks Basti for hooking us up with the tickets on that sunny day in late april!