It's beginning of september and we have been snowboarding on the very last bit of snow. nope, not zermatt or saasfee, the atagge swiss connection has a pretty dope secret spot close to one of the many passes that cross the alps. they have a pretty handsome setup there...and they let us ride the whole day. still enough snow to shred in september, wonder how it looks like in early july. endless possibilities! too bad, we have been so buys riding all day, that we almost forgot to take any pictures! whatever, snowboarding is way more fun than taking pictures anyway!
Carmen with a sweet fs noseblunt after sun did hide behind te hill!
Alex pre 5-0!
Andy Walker aka 1/3 of the atagge swiss connection (missing: Carmen and Flo and everybody who feels like that.)
Thanks boys for this day! I'm so jealous on your summerspot!