Atagge 2011

This is the proof: Butsh´s still a Rookie. Perhaps he turns pro in the US the next month.


Can I bring some tofu sausages and apple juice with me?

Can we take a picture together?

Swiss Connection.seems like everybody is in Helsinki these days! Jagge is jealous as fuck right now...the don, man!

News from Helsinki!

This just came in. Atagge Swiss Commander Andy and the Swiss Connection were on another trip to Helsinki, together with the Gnarlys!

Atagge Ketch Up with Christl Lang and Andres Weishaupt

This times' Ketch Up is with a nice couple, that was already snowboarding when you were still learning how to walk...They did a lot for the local scene here in Germany, by shaping a small but one of the nicer parks all on their own or creating legendary sessions like Christl's Jibfest and the Ftwo Railjam, where people like Mike Casanova or Jonas Michilot came all the way from the states. That should mean something...These days they are preparing to move out to SoCal to surf everyday and maybe ride Bear here and there.
Stiefmütterchen vs Geranien: Stiefmütterchen, (Viola). Pflegeleicht, Dankbar, Sonne wie Halbschatten.
Tahoe vs Bear: Natürlich Bear, keine Frage
Allgäu vs Unterland: Eine Mauer ab Sonthofen wäre gut, Visas nur unter sehr strengen Voraussetzungen! Hure Underländar!
Skifahren: Schön auf der Piste, hat aber nichts in Snowboard Parks verloren. Ist und bleibt SCHWUL
Garten vs Honeyhills: Garten: Privat, Honeyhills: Lokals only
G vs Gypsie: Gypsies sind das Resultat aus Leuten ohne eigenen Style. STAY REAL! Zitat Flo Bürgel,"Man sollte sich so Gangster anziehen wie man fährt". Das erklärt auch was das in Bezug auf Gypsies aussagt.;-)
Snowboarden in Deutschland: leider immer noch eine wenig akzeptierte Randsportart.
Bradshaw vs JP: Helden ihrer Zeit. Ohne JP kein Jibben, Bradshaw ist Style!
Naziandres: Heiland Sack!
In-n-Out vs Jack in the Box: In-n-Out: Cheeseburger + Erdbeer Vanille Shake. Jack: Jumbo Jack with Cheese + Orio Shake
Pow vs Waves: In Cali beides am gleichen Tag!!!
snaking vs slashing Skiers: Gehört bei uns im Allgäu beides zu einem ganz normalen Tag am Berg!
fuck you, i'm local: Welcome to Honeyhills! AND NOW GO HOME!!!

Christl fs air

andres in their private garden


Andres Snowsurfing. Watch it to end!

To Make Things Straight!

It seems like some people got our move wrong at this year's Ispo. Coincidentally, There was are free corner at the back of the Nitro booth. We took the chance to set up our own "booth" there, which had no intention of being serious! Neither was there any intention to affront Nitro with our Jon-Kooley-Quote. Would be kinda stupid, knowing that Jon rides for Nitro. Beside that Benny Urban, as a part of Atagge, rides for Nitro aswell, so we have absolutely no reason to hate on one of snowboardings "truest" companies. We're sorry if somebody had a wrong impression!

Sincerely yours


Ispo Week Mega Post

So here we go with our Ispo Week Mega Post. It all started a few days before this super boring tradeshow you can only stand by drinking your first beer at 11 a.m. Jagge had his last exam and tried his comeback in snowboarding.

But he fell pretty hard and apparently had the same injury as Alex. It was an emergancy so Waule took care of the surgery.

Toni hiking, due to problems with the t-bar.

Alex's filmershoes!

All artsy and shit!

Flo and Carmen don't like looking into cameras

All the homies were there. Jagge, Butsch, Guido, Benny, Alex,...

The man behind this month's banger park. Thanks Flo!

James came all the way from switzerland. noseblunt pretzel into the wall.

Atagge had an official booth at the Ispo. Hall A1/508. Right next to Nitro. Just in case you missed it.

That picture descripes a typical day at Ispo pretty perfectly!

Toni pre-party-piss

Cobrats founder Dani was there too.

Finaly out of this stupid tradeshow it was slushtime on the mountain. 18 degress celsius, what up?
Girls like him even more now. Safety first!

cheesy sunset shot!

Quite a few pictures were taken by our homey Steffen Kornfeld. You figure out which ones...

a jon kooley quote?

check out the atagge tag on the ashbury ispo blog...

Trouble's words

I just found this little interview with Trevor Andrew. Some true words in here...


Everyone will be there. Flo after shaping for days, Benny even though doing something in IBK, Jagge after having his last exam, Alex with a broken elbow, cutie Carmen, Butsch anyway and all the homies! Weather is supposed to be bluebird and warm excuses! SLUSH!

Alex is on Clast

Here's Alex Welcome-On-Clast-Clip with a few runs from Whistler last summer.